General Dobbie returns to Britain (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Dobbie, Governor of Malta during its three-year siege by Nazi Germany, returns to Britain and gives speech Full Description: Gaumont British Ident. SLATE INFORMATION: Gen. Dobbie Comes Home From Malta ENGLAND: EXT General Dobbie returns home to British Isles by plane, disembarks and gives a speech at a microphone DOBBIE, Lt/Gen. Sir W. Arrives in England by plane from .. makes by Admiral Sir Dudley into car etc. MALTA. GEN SIR WILLIAM DOBBIE ARRIVES FROM MALTA. Lib: scenes of damage used in SCENES FROM AIR RAID POUND Ad Sir Dudley. Greets . Sir at ’drome when he comes home from Malta .. W. wife Air Raids and War Damage Lieutenant-General Sir William George Shedden Dobbie, World War II, World War 2, WWII, Second World War, war, Background: General Dobbie, Governor of M
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