Panic-striken refugees flee from doomed capital (1938)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit FIRST PICTURES JAPAN’S VICTORY MARCH Chinese-bomb during victory march causes international tension. Nanking: Panic-striken refugees? Full Description: Shanghai, China: Gen. elev. view, semi view & back view of Jap. parade. Gen. view confusion at “Wing On“ store. Semi view native policeman explaining ’incident’. Gen. view man drops article on . picks it up. Semi view Jap. soldiers looking at spot. Gen. elev. view French Guarding Concession. Semi view tanks in f-g. Back view French Troops guarding. Semi view Jap. & French troops guarding. Gen. view men getting into trucks. Gen. view Japs. thru’ concession. Semi view Jap. officer pushing guard. Semi view Jap. troops pushing American people. Semi view men fighting. Gen. view British troops arrive and semi view passing by. Gen. view back of British troops
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