Amercan gunboat Panay sunk by Japanese (1937)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit U.S. Navy river gunboat USS Panay is sunk by Imperial Japanese, who are then admonished? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Situation Arising from Gunboat “Panay“ CHINA: Nanjing: EXT The American gunboat ’Panay’ is sunk by Japanese, who are then admonished by America and warned by Britian to cease aggression including video taped apology by Japnese Ambassador Saito and video of president Roosevelt AIRCRAFT CARRIES V.G. Used after “PANAY“ Incident. “AUGUSTA“ U.S. Flag Ship Near “Panay“ in the Yangize CHINA U.S. Flagship “Augusta“, Roosevelt, Chamberlain, Cordell Hull (Cuts), Jap Ambassador Saito, U.S. & Brit Fleets, Morse Roosevelt, Champbelain, U.S. & Brit Flags, Aircraft Carriers, Destroyers, FLAGS. - Stars & Stripes - used re“Panay“ incident in China - Brit Flag also FLAGS Brit & used after “Panay“ Incident
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