Yoga techniques demonstrated in Germany (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Indian yogi students perform amazing techniques at a demonstration in Germany Full Description: GERMANY: EXT GERMANY. Indian Yogi demonstration in Germany, climbing creasey pole etc. MILFORD HAVEN, Marquis of Seen with Mrs Romaine Simpson who he is to marry, shots of them walking in the park together, HYDE PARK. Shots of the Marquis of Milford Haven with Mrs Romaine Simpson who he is to marry, walking in the park, ROMAINE. Seen with the Marquis of Milford Haven who she is marry, shots of them walking in Hyde Park, yoga, meditation, relaxation, Hindu, eastern, health, science, arts, culture, religion, ritual, practice Background: Indian yogi students perform amazing techniques at a demonstration in Germany FILM ID: VLVABMA3QNZ5T0L9H9OTIXVBIAJKP To license this film, visit
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