Giant Dragline Aka Giant Drag Line (1955)

Corby, Northamptonshire. High angle (bird’s view) long shot of a dragline (drag line). L/S of a base of the dragline with a man climbing up the stairs towards a metal door. The man opens the door and enters the cabin of “the world’s largest mobile dragline“ - narrator claims. M/S of the man inside the glass cabin ready to start working - cabin seems to be very high in the air. M/S of man’s back as he starts working. C/U of a hand on controls. Voiceover informs the audience about giant machine’s characteristics as well as its ’greatness’: “It can take a bite a minute and dump it nearly three hundred feet away“. C/U shot of the worker’s hand operating the drag line. Cut to a C/U shot of the man’s face. L/S of a drag in the air moving slowly. Camera tilts and pans up from the ’mouth of the monster’, across the dragline and down to the cabin and the mobile base of the dragline. L/S of the mobile base moving. M/S of the man’s back as the cabin turns. Cut to the drag moving in the air. M/S of the d
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