Lasers (1967)

Baldock, Hertfordshire. Several shots show a man at the Services Electronics Research Laboratories shooting balloons with a ray gun. Another man burns a hole in a piece of wood by holding it in front of a laser; another laser cuts through a razor blade. Various shots of complicated-looking pieces of machinery. We see a laser in blue green light through a prism as liquid nitrogen is poured in its path. More laser experiment and demonstrations; a man measures the intensity of a laser; a girl uses a laser to seal small plastic bags; a man puts gun powder on a brick, then puts on his protective goggles before the laser ignites the powder on the brick. He does this again, using a mirror to reflect the laser onto the brick. Lasers are used to ignite firework rockets that shoot off through a tunnel that leads to the roof of the building. Brief sequence of fireworks going off, to a soundtrack of “oohs“ and “aahs“ from a crowd. Note: on file are extensive notes on the lasers. Cuts exist - see separate
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