Tanganyika (1961)

M/S of a cruise liner coming towards a harbour. Various shots of yachts sailing on the water of the harbour of Dar-es-Salaam at Tanzania (or Tanganyika) in Africa; men in shorts and girls in bikinis are seen on one of the yachts. M/S on the wharf showing porters carrying sacks and boxes. Various shots in the marketplace showing stalls of fruit, and a man cutting tobacco into little parcels. C/U of a pile of mangoes (?). M/Ss of a sisal plantation; hundreds of spiky-leaved plants beside the sea. A man is seen cutting the leaves off a plant; women arrange sisal fibres over hundreds of lines in a field. M/S and C/Us of two Masai warriors in traditional costume; beaded necklaces and earrings. L/S of a small plane (East African Airways) landing on a red earthy runway in the highlands. Nice M/S of several western tourists coming out of the plane. They climb in the back of a Land Rover with open sides, and are driven to a national park or game reserve. In a lake there we see some hippos bathing in the
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