Hermann Linde · One Painter – Two Worlds
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Exhibition: 24 June - 10 September 2023, Goetheanum Art Gallery. Open daily from 9 AM to 8 PM. Please consult the Goetheanum website to be informed about differing opening hours.
Hermann Linde (Lübeck 1862-1923 Arlesheim) was considered to be one of the outstanding Oriental painters of his time. It is quite true to say that Hermann Linde’s life took place in two worlds. There was his world before the turning of the century: Studies at the art academies in Dresden and Weimar, travels to Italy, Tunisia, Egypt and finally a painting stay of several years in India. In addition, he had numerous encounters with artists, including Max Liebermann and Edvard Munch. For Linde, it was a world characterised by naturalistic and impressionistic influences, which found expression in his landscape paintings and city views, in his genre paintings and portraits.
And there were the years of close collaboration with Rudolf Steiner after the turn of the century - a new world opened up. Now it was no longer landscapes, city views and craftsmen that were in favour, but instead the focus was on the elemental, on the elements, on light and colour. He designed the stage sets for the world premiere of Rudolf Steiner’s “Mystery Dramas“ in Munich and painted in the large dome of the first Goetheanum in Dornach and imprinted himself in the memory of his surroundings with his stimulating studies and paintings on Goethe’s “Fairy Tale of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily“. In the exhibition, works from “both worlds“ will be shown for the first time.
A comprehensive catalogue will be published by the Verlag am Goetheanum to accompany the exhibition.
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