Demonstration of the 13 foundational exercises of Yuthok’s Tummo Yoga under guidance of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang.
Video made on behalf of Dr. Nida for educational purposes for Tummo practitioners only.
*Please do not attempt these exercises until you’ve had direct instruction from a qualified teacher.
Equipment used:
• black pad for beps: rock climbing pad found at most sporting goods stores
• red saddle cushion for modified beps: designed by Dr. Nida & SAMAYA for Six Yogas & Karmamudra
ⓒ 2023 Nida Chenagtsang
0:00 Yuthok’s Tummo Yoga
0:07 Refuge & Bodhicitta
0:24 1: Nine-fold Purification
2:50 2: Massaging the Body
4:43 3: Opening the Navel Chakra
5:48 4: Opening the Heart Chakra
6:32 5: Opening the Throat Chakra
7:44 6: Opening the Head Chakra
9:55 7: Opening the Base Chakra
10:35 8: Small Bep (& Modified Bep)
13:03 9: Fire Stove
14:45 10: Control
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