9/11 attacks in realtime (dashboard) 7:46am-12:00pm

***best to be viewed in 4k to see all the details*** The purpose of this dashboard arranged film is to give a better overview on the timeline of the events unfolding on 11 September 2001. The footage and events are synchronized in realtime. The film starts exactly one hour before the first plane hits the World Trade Center. The video starts at 07:46:40 am. The screen is divided into various sectors: Live TV broadcast TV coverage of different TV stations (ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC). Latest Events All event which happened in this time window. Information taken mostly from Wikipedia. Timeline Major Events 27:14 AA11 hijacked 55:58 UA175 hijacked 59:55 AA11 crashes into WTC1 1:03:15 AA77 hijacked 1:16:17 UA175 crashes into WTC2 1:41:15 UA93 hijacked 1:51:01 AA77 crashes into the Pentagon 2:12:15 WTC2 collapsed 2:16:26 UA93 crashes in Somerset County, PA 2:41:37 WTC1 collapsed Radio Window Indicates when radio of either New York City
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