Backbend, Frontbend and Twist Training 2013 Part 1
Garbha Pindasana
Padangustha Dhanurasana
Kapotasana and Rajakapotasana grabbing knees
Kandasana (Kandapidasana)
Utthita Kandasana (Kandapidasana)
Utthita Dwi Pada Yoga Dandasana
De Marlo (De Mario) Knot (Dwi Pada Buddhasana)
Leg down Back and variations
Standing and Seated Twist
2 years ago 00:02:34 84
Contortion routines. Oversplits stretching and backbend flexibility. Gymnast Ella.
3 years ago 00:02:14 12
1MMI Extra: Zebra suit contortion
4 years ago 00:06:33 89
Extreme flexible poses. Contortionist Alesya Laverycheva. Backbend and frontbend.
4 years ago 00:03:20 54
Flexshow. Gymnast Anna Svirina doing extreme backbends. Contortion routines in photostudio.
6 years ago 00:00:44 173
Working some extreme frontbending with @poletergeist