BCP: Pseudo pope Jorge Bergoglio, theologian of the woman (the one of Revelation 17:3f)
On Thursday, 30 November, the pseudo Pope received the members of the International Theological Commission. He deliberately stressed that he did not like the fact that there were only five women among them, adding: “Women have a different capacity for theological reflection...”
Bergoglio has purposefully pushed pernicious feminization into key positions in the Church, even though it has already borne disastrous fruit for society and for women and families themselves worldwide.
Quoting Bergoglio: “The Church is woman. And if we do not know what a woman is, what the theology of a woman is, we will never understand what the Church is.”
Bergoglio as a false prophet (Rev 16) presents a new paradigm for the Church. He says “we will never understand what the Church is if we do not know what a woman is”. But then, neither the Apostles, nor the Prophets, nor the Doctors of the Church have understood what the Church is. It is only now that Bergoglio has understood the theology of a woman, the one who sits on a beast (Rev 17), and thus has understood the anti-Church, the synagogue of Satan. He is showing a new, synodal path towards it, with his precedent-setting dedication to Satan in Canada (2022), his promotion of the sodomite anti-gospel, and his enthronement of the Pachamama woman in St Peter’s Basilica. The theology of this woman, which Bergoglio has understood, is a total and manifest apostasy from Christ. Bergoglio should know that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and not a woman.
Bergoglio has a clear goal – to transform the Church into a synagogue of Satan. This is the essence of Bergoglio’s false mysticism, coupled with his pseudo-revelation of the theology of a woman. The Bible says about her: “The woman was dressed in purple… She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. … I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.” (Rev 17:3-6)
Quoting Bergoglio: “One of the great sins we have had is to ‘masculinize’ the Church. And this is not solved by the ministerial path; that is something else. It is resolved in the mystical way, the royal way.”
The false prophet Bergoglio is inventing new great sins, including the masculinizing of the Church. But he does not consider the outrageous sin of sodomy to be a sin, and even advocates blessing the sinful unions of sodomites. He says that the so-called sin of masculinizing the Church will be resolved in the mystical way. In fact, this mystical LGBTQ synodal way is a loss of reason and a denial of God’s laws and commandments. Bergoglio’s so-called royal way leads to eternal damnation. The Gospel warns against it (Mt 7:13).
Quoting Bergoglio: “Balthasar’s thought has brought me so much light: Petrine principle and Marian principle.”
What do the Petrine principle and the Marian principle mean in the heretical thought of Bergoglio? Does he already have a vision that in the future the Petrine see will be occupied by a woman? The true Marian principle is diametrically opposed to Bergoglio’s feminization and LGBTQ propaganda. The Mother of Jesus refers to herself as a slave of the Lord (he doule Kyriou) and is a model for every Christian woman to follow in humility, in keeping God’s commandments and in true piety. The contemporary feminists, lesbians and transsexuals promoted and privileged by Bergoglio have nothing to do with the Marian principle of obedience to God and His commandments.
The Apostle says: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1Ti 2:11-14) “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray.” (2Co 11:3)
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BCP: Pseudo pope Jorge Bergoglio, theologian of the woman (the one of Revelation 17:3f)