The document mentioned by Godfrey Bloom is a paper collated by Richard Treadgold, of the Climate Conversation Group, from a combined research project undertaken by members of the Climate Conversation Group and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.
Well, Mr. President, of course you can tell I’m a sceptic [there was a cut in the actual recording here] because I don’t dress like a scarecrow. I fought my way through the blizzard in Copenhagen like many of you did - interesting isn’t it that we had the coldest winter so far on record in London for 30 years. It’s the same in Poland, it’s the same in Korea, it’s the same in China. We’ve had the coldest temperatures in Florida, Arizona, Texas - the first snow in Texas, I think, for a hundred years. And of course as Giles Coren of the London Times said - my goodness me, we simply don’t get it, of course. Of course that’s what global warming is all about - we’ve got to get used to freezing temperatures. Well we’ve seen the Al Gore Hockey stick which is still, I gather, being shown in London State schools. Al Gore snake-oil salesman, crook! We’ve seen Professor Jones from the East Anglia University. Crook! And now, you won’t know about this yet because it’s been caught of the public domain: the New Zealand National Climate Database and I have the figures here. All fraudulent! When are you going to wake up? Scam, scam, scam!
4 months ago 00:01:28 7
#GodfreyBloom exposes #GlobalWarming scammers
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Godfrey Bloom - exposes global warming scammers
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Godfrey Bloom - exposes the fallacy of the EU’s gender balance directive
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