Turnback Canyon Helicopter Portage - Alsek River - Ride of the Valkyries
The Alsek River starting in the Yukon Territory flows through British Columbia and empties into the ocean on the coast of Southeast Alaska in Glacier Bay National Park. Turnback Canyon is a 8 mile long canyon on the Alsek with class V-VI rapids not passable by river rafts. Few kayakers have made the intrepid run, but if you are part of a river rafting expedition, you have to helicopter portage to get downstream of the canyon (in lieu of portaging for days overland on a crevasse-laden glacier.) This is the f
10 years ago 00:05:07 2
Turnback Canyon Helicopter Portage - Alsek River - Ride of the Valkyries
10 years ago 00:01:18 452
Grand Jump at the Grand Canyon | Varun Dhawan | Disney’s ABCD 2