Neil Young - Eldorado (Road of Plenty) ~ UnReLeASeD accoustic Version + vID

Dorado is also sometimes used as a metaphor to represent an ultimate prize or “Holy Grail“ that one might spend one’s life seeking. It could represent true love, heaven, happiness, or success. It is used sometimes as a figure of speech to represent something much sought after that may not even exist, or at least may not ever be found. Such use is evident in Poe’s poem “El Dorado“. In this context, El Dorado bears similarity to other myths such as the Fountain of Youth, Shangri-la, and to some extent the term “white whale“ which refers to Captain Ahab’s obsession in the book Moby-Dick. The disillusionment side of the ideal quest metaphor may be represented by Helldorado, a satirical nickname given to Tombstone by a tardy miner who complained that many of his profession had traveled far to find El Dorado, only to wind up washing dishes in restaurants.
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