Bloodsport Meets Metal - “Fight To Survive“

#bloodsport #jeanclaudevandamme #metal Hi all! I was an 80s baby. Being an 80s baby comes with some responsibilities. That would be watching all the 80s martial arts movies growing up. Bloodsport is easily my favorite involving JCVD. Some go with Kickboxer (which is of course legendary too) or Cyborg, or Double Impact, or Lionheart etc. but JCVD opposite Bolo Yeung was my dream match. And of MUSIC! Little bit of a crime that Paul Hertzog didn’t get to do too much besides Bloodsport and Kickboxer. But this tune from the movie is especially awesome. I used to have one of those portable tape recorders and I would hold it close to the tv speaker to record this song for my super DIY mixtape. Hope ya dig! Tried to include some clips so it felt montage-like to give a nod to the cinematic masterpiece Bloodsport is. Best to ya E FOLLOW ME HERE: LISTEN TO ME HERE:
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