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In the 60’s and 70’s, Israeli intelligence services, the Mossad, El Al sky marshals, and the Tier 1 counter-terror unit Sayeret Matkal had one thing in common: the Beretta Model 71 .22LR pistol.
While many were still debating the “knock down power“ of the .45ACP and .357 Mag, these Israeli agents and operatives were actively pushing this sub-compact .22 pistol into counter-terror missions.
Honestly the best part of the video is the second half with “war stories“ involving this Beretta .22 in multiple counter-terror operations 10:23 :
11:05 Operation Wrath of God - Mossad agents assassinate terrorists in Europe and the Middle East who were responsible for the Munich Terror Incident
13:55 El Al Flight 432 - How an Israeli Sky Marshal took on multiple terrorists with Kalashnikovs and explosives... while he only had a Beretta .22 (and came out victorious)
17:04 Sabena Flight 571 - The elite Sayeret Matkal special operations group takes on a plane of terrorists with firearms and explosives... while only having concealed Beretta .22’s
20:04 the mad lad Mordechai Rahamim - This is the signature presentation style by Count Dankula (I enjoy his “Mad Lad“ series) -
Music: Show Me Your Pizza (with vocals) by Tailed Feature -
Special thanks to The Gun Room LLC for loaning us and helping with the examples of the Beretta Mod. 71 here.
Also huge thanks to Nati Dinnar, producer of Sabena Hijacking (2019) - you can watch it here:
-Interesting note is that both Israelis operatives AND the terrorists were interviewed for this documentary. There are a lot of mission details that we could not even go into in detail, that this “docu-drama“ did an excellent job at analyzing.
We didn’t feature this in the video, but fantastic classic video on Operation Wrath of God if you have a Friday evening open to enjoy an old film:
Operation Wrath of God white paper
NY times article
***Huge Thanks to Kevin S. for helping us with the Chinese subtitles!***
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