Q : Is it legal to have wild animal in Russia?
A : In Russia, from January 1, 2020, a new law on wild animals is in force.
This law prohibits keeping almost all wild cats as pets.
But caracal and bobcat are not included in the list of prohibited animals.
Therefore, in order to keep a caracal as a pet, you need to fulfill only one condition: it should not be taken from the wild.
They also often ask about wild cats famous on the Internet, for example, Marseille or Messi.
Indeed, cougar and lynx are now banned, but Marseille and Messi were bought by their owners before January 1, 2020, so the ban does not apply to them.
the Russian government specifically clarified that this law is not retroactive and all wild cats purchased before January 1, 2020 can live with their owners without restrictions.
Original Source : Instagram of marsel_and_co
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