Dusted off my ol’ Yamaha S03 and recorded the hardcoded demo songs. Suprisingly some of the stuff doesn’t sound too bad even by todays standards.
GM/XG Section:
1. Demo1: Movin’ On
2. Demo2: FeelDaBeat
3. Demo3: Medley
Instruments Section:
3. PF:StPiano1
4. PF:Mid Road
5. PF:Fulltine
6. OR:Cool !
7. OR:Rock
8. OR:Warm
9. GT:Nylon
10. GT:Dist
11. BA:VelSlap
12: BA:Mg Funk
13: ST:Rich St
14: ST:CelloSol
15: BR:BriteSec
16: Pure Syn
17: RP:Nt