akeytsu 2019 Feature Trailer

Here is our Feature Trailer including all 2019 updates. Much more to come in 2020 with yet an ambitious dev roadmap. Created by and for animators, akeytsu makes 3D animation simple. Learn more on . Visit akeyschool for more tutorial videos: You’re an animator and you like what you see? Join us on Discord ! Technical documentation: Manual Credits: Music by Figures In Motion (title: Get Momentum) Special Thanks to: Etienne “Vexod14“ Beschet for his robots and humanoids Elena Nikolova for her Vira Sword Dance, multipede animation skills and huge support Snaphot Games for @Phoenix Point footage and assets Nicolas Meyssonier for Pumpkin Jack footage and assets (published by @Headup) Jeff “3dTrixler“ Anthony for Phantama footage and assets FlameOfNova for Queen’s Conquest footage and assets Thomas Chaumel for his animation work on e-LysE and Sky Surfer
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