PEST Meetup #1: Testing Livewire with PEST & You know the REST, now it’s time for Pest

Schedule: 6:00 PM - Intro 6:05 PM - “Wired Pest - Testing Livewire with Pest” by @tio_jobs 6:25 PM - “You know the REST, now it’s time for Pest” by @DanSysAnalyst 6:45 PM - After Party 7:00 PM - End Pest is an elegant PHP Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It was carefully crafted to bring the joy of testing to PHP. - Explore the docs: - Follow us on Twitter: - Join us on the Discord Server: Pest Sponsors: - Scout APM: - Akaunting: - Meema: We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Pest development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the Nuno Maduro’s sponsors page:
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