NIGER WINS: French Ambassador Finally Leaves Niger.

Niger Finally Succeed to push France out. France’s ambassador in Niger was flown out of the country early this morning, Wednesday, September 27. His exit comes around one month after the military junta in charge ordered his expulsion. The junta that seized power in a July coup ordered French ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave the country within 48 hours at the end of August in response to what they called actions by France “contrary to the interests of Niger“. But the order was at first ignored by France, which has refused to recognize the coup leaders and whose President has been making disrespectful statements to the Nigerien people, triggering daily protests in front of the French embassy. French President Emmanuel Macron said this month that Itte and his staff were effectively being held hostage at the embassy. He added that they were now living on military rations as the Nigerien military cut water, food, and electricity supplies to the embassy. Other videos to watch; France gives date to leave Niger: 5 Lessons Gaddafi’s death Taught African Leaders: FOOTAGE licensed through Storyblocks
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