Ezio Playing Grand Theft Auto V (and more) on Windows XP x64
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📃 Оригинальное описание:
pretty much what the title says. I decided to start playing around with the onecore api project again recently, and decided to really put it to the test with more modern games and software that could normally never run on any form of Windows XP without it.
Windows XP x64 was used to allow for modern 64bit software to run, which opens far more doors for software to run as most things are 64bit only in the modern day
if you are interested, you can find it here:
just don’t install it on any XP machines you care about, as it is rather unstable and can cause the install to just break and will require you to reinstall Windows XP on said machine. Still fun to mess with though!
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[Ezio] Playing Grand Theft Auto V (and more) on Windows XP x64
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