Cluster bombs terror in Donetsk

Thankfully tonight no one was killed as at 2 am cluster bombs rained on Donetsk. We went this morning to see the damage and talk to the victims Buy me a coffee - Crypto donations are warmly accepted - BTC - bc1q9qj9zas53flt9v40l7hvshfu6a70ej6ywnw4tp ETH - 0x001AA2eb5E8c7A8bf7Be15Ca1B47B9037d9798eE DOGE - DKM7FuqY2dFtgxbTZFvZQmQihUVoSfwEkR Telegram - My author page - Our worldwide projects - CafeRevolution Blog/Vlog - Twitter _ YouTube - @caferevolution9393 Our bitchute channel -
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