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Bremer Orcas and Pilot Whales took over the Patch today as families gathered to feast and socialise in a very special day off Bremer Bay. Our morning cruise to the Patch was greeted with the company of Common Dolphins who quickly ventured over to say good morning before continuing on with their day. It was only a matter of minutes before blows were sighted and Orca surfaced just up ahead. It was exciting to see Alki and her family together including baby Grace who was looking very well today as she continues to swim right alongside her mum. The family appeared to have finished an earlier meal and were regrouping for the next foraging foray into the depths. They spent a good 2.5 hours on the forage and one of the young calves kept herself occupied as she swam underneath and around us exploring. They began to move quickly to deeper water and soon we could see why, Pilot Whales had arrived a
1 view
10 months ago 00:01:51 1
Bremer Bay Orca vs Sperm Whales
11 months ago 00:01:01 9
Bremer Bay Orca Attack Sperm Whale Pod
2 years ago 00:01:10 1
Orca Approach Entangled Humpback Whale
3 years ago 00:01:47 1
Bremer Orca and Pilot Whales
4 years ago 00:01:30 1
Breaching Bremer Bay Killer Whales
4 years ago 00:02:03 1
Playful orca
4 years ago 00:03:28 13
Bremer Orca Blue Whale Hunt
4 years ago 00:03:51 1
Humpback Survives Killer Whale Attack in Bremer Canyon