Carnavalito from Suite Del Recuerdo (Jose Luis Merlin) - Cordoba C12 Demo
Iren Arutyunyan plays Carnavalito from Suite Del Recuerdo by Jose Luis Merlin on a Cordoba C12 Spruce/Indian rosewood.
The C12 is handmade in a small, boutique workshop and is the only Cordoba guitar to feature lightweight, modern lattice bracing and a raised fingerboard for easy playability when accessing upper frets. This guitar is available with a Canadian cedar top. For more information on the Cordoba C12, please visit .
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Big thank you to Iren Arutyunyan!
Production: Kai Narezo for Cordoba Guitars
Location: Cordoba Guitars HQ in Santa Monica, CA
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Iren Arutyunyan is playing a Cordoba Luthier C12 SP.
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