A Midsummer Night’s D...

Director - Andrzej Bubien, Vatslav Dembovski, Marina Burdinskaya , Anastasia Bytsan; Cast: Hermia - Riikka Korhonen; Lysander - Otto Henriksson; Helena - Kseniya Kora; Demetrius - Ivan Zhukov; Oberon - Nikita Khorolskiy; titania - Aleksandr Titenko; Nick Bottom -Vitaly Sazonov; Peter Quince - Vitaly Nickanchuk; Francis Flute - Eugene Zayfrid; Robin Starveling - Egor Averin; Production crew: Editing - Svetlana Solovyova; Design consultant - Svetlana Tuzhikova; Composer - Gleb Kolyadin At the suggestion of the National Old Theater - “Theater of Europe“ in Krakow (Poland), a group of students of the directing course of the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (RGISI) created the world’s first International Theater Project “A Midsummer Night’s D ...“ The project is a 60-minute internet show in the genre of “screenlife“ based on the self-titled play by William Shakespeare. The play is played in four languages in parallel - Russian, Belarusian, English and Finnish. The International Theater Project “A
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