Paratroopers of the Ivanovo Airborne Forces unit are practicing methods of delivering materiel to the front line

Paratroopers of the Ivanovo Airborne Forces unit are practicing methods of delivering materiel to the front line Servicemen of the Ivanovo Guards Airborne Forces from the group of troops South at one of the training grounds in the rear region of the Donetsk People’s Republic are practicing various methods of delivering to units conducting combat operations in the Chasov Yar area the necessary material resources for various purposes - food, water, communications equipment and ammunition. For these purposes, paratroopers use both unmanned aerial vehicles and motorcycles. During training, both delivery methods are practiced, and each has its own advantages. Unmanned aerial vehicles are capable of delivering up to 3.5 kg of cargo by air, remaining virtually invisible to the enemy. The disadvantage of this method is the relatively low speed and limitations on flight range. This “aerial” method is used in conditions of intense enemy artillery fire and high activity of its drones. At the s... Source: Military Wave
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