Sense8 Couples | Don’t Give Up On Me (Collab)

Watch in HD! So a bit over a month ago I decided to host a collab for the best show in existence and I joined forces with all these incredible vidders to vid the amazing ships from the show! No show will ever come close to Sense8 for me.. like the romantic relationships are everything there’s literally not another show where I love every canon couple! But even with the ships aside, the storyline is incredible, the platonic relationships, the representation, the scenery ajgkskgsk I could go on forever about how good this show is and if you haven’t watched it you have ’re truly missing out ;____; I just want to thank all the vidders that took part in this! Each part is so amazing and this collab definitely exceeded all my expectations. We snapped so hard and now I miss this show even more jkgjskg also special thanks to Osi and Anouk for doing two parts! List of participants (in order of appearance): ◾️ ◾️ ◾️ @losjk
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