Kobolds!!! An Original D&D Song

“Never trust tiny lizards that will kick your ass till next Tuesday“ ________________________________________________________________________ What do you call those little bitty lizards Kobolds! Those cocky little shits that can still be wizards Kobolds! They say they’re dragons, but we’re not sure One thing’s certain, they’re not a bore. They’re crafty as hell, and kinda weak Oh and if you hug them, they will likely squeak Kobolds! Kobolds! Kobolds! Kobolds! What are smaller than goblins and Dwarfs Kobolds! A lot of them wish they could just polymorph Kobolds! Some think they’re shit, others find them cute And hey like dragons, they like to loot Stealing anything, that has a pretty shine It’s hard to tell, where they all align Kobolds! Kobolds! Kobolds! Kobolds! Ok I know what you might be thinking And it’s probably hard to sink in Wh
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