Psychobilly MIX 3(March,2023)- By Reverendo Joe.

Set list: of Satan´s-Mad Dog Cole.(Crazy Love Records,2012) Flintstones.(Drunkabilly Records,2012) Sin.( Maybe Crazy Records,1988) Rock-Phantom Rockers.(Tombstone Records,1997) Mighty Dead Rabbits-Mighty Dead Rabbits.(diablo records,2018) Marge and the Stonecutters.(Baseline Music ,2005) Infierno esta vacio-Pychopath billly.(Lycans Den Records,2021) .(Rancid Records,2006) On Spaceship-Stressor.( Crazy Love Records,2012) me Alone-Radarmen.(Lycans Den Records,2021) .(2018) Dooley’s.( Cherokee Records,2012) follow please.
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