Is a 7 String Guitar the Right Choice for You? | What To Know Before You Buy
In this guitar lesson, Steve Stine discusses some things to think about before buying a 7 string guitar, and whether it’s the right choice for you.
The most important factors (in my opinion) to think about are:
1. Does the 7th string confuse you to the point of frustration, or can you see the 7th string as simply an extension?
2. Does the neck width and length feel comfortable to you?
3. Do you see a benefit big enough to justify the cost and the transition?
#7stringguitar #7stringguitars #ibanez #7string #guitar7string
Gear Steve is using in this video:
Ibanez Axion 7 String
Schecter Keith Merrow KM7 MK-iii Artist
Hughes and Kettner Black Spirit 200 amp
Hawk Guitar Picks