Meyerbeer: Non, non, non, non... Vous n’avez jamais, je gage - Les Huguenots
This was so fun to re-record nearly two years on from when I first recorded this amazing aria!
This time performed with Chris Weston at the piano and recorded by the amazing Bobby Williams:
The cheeky page, Urbain, describes how he led the hero Raoul blindfolded into a meeting with the Queen Marguerite. He spins the tale with the intention of impressing not only his superiors, but also the local girls...
Non, non, non, non, non, non, vous n’avez jamais, je gage
non, rien appris de tel par la voix du jeune page!
Et les filled du village jamais n’oublieront ce trait!
Entouré de gens sans nombre, sur ses yeux un voile sombre,
un beau cavalier paraît; glissant comme une ombre il passe,
et d’un pied léger franchit l’espace; et jeunes et vieux, le suivant des yeux,
disent: Qui est-il, et puis, où va-t-il? C’est un grand babil!
Non, non, non...
Le cavalier n’y voit goutte.
Il cherche à tâtons sa route... le cou tendu... Les enfants mutins... l’agacent des mains... leurs rieuses soeurs lui jettent des fleurs!
Non, non, non...
C’est un cortège riant et beau.
Le cavalier sous son bandeau, suivi, pressé des jeunes filles du hameau,
s’avance, s’approche du château.
Ah! quelle fête pour le château!
no, no, no, no, no, no, you have never, I take it, heard anything like this from a young page before!
And the girls of the village will never forget the sight!
Surrounded by a throng of people, over his eyes a dark veil, a handsome gentleman appears;
gliding like a shadow he pauses, and treading lightly across the space;
and young and old, following him with their eyes, say “Who is he?“ and then,
“where is he going?“, it’s a big hubbub!
no no no...
the gentleman can’t see a thing.
He gropes his way along...
his neck stretched out... the naughty children... tease him with their hands...
Their laughing sisters throw flowers at him!
It’s a happy and wonderful procession.
The gentle and under his blindfold, followed, surrounded by the young girls of the village, is nearing, approaching the castle.
Ah! What a celebration for the castle!
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