Equestria Dude has been wanting to do this song for quite some time, and he ROCKED it!
Sorry for the slowness! We’ve been working on a few songs that you will definitely be seeing soon. Including a new song with video of us playing it! So stay tuned for those!
The copyrights of the Beatles, their respective solo works, and My Little Pony, are used in a parodic manner. Therefore, this work is protected by the Fair Use Laws of the United States.
Yes I’m lonely, Wanna Fly
Yes I’m Lonely, Wanna Fly
If I can’t fly already.
Oooh, ’Bloom you know the reason why.
In the morning, Wanna Fly.
In the evening, wanna fly
If I can’t fly already.
Ooh, ’Belle You know the reason why.
My Idols is of the sky.
But I am on the earth
Wanna fly across the universe (Lol reference)
And you know it’s all worth