Bluetti EB150 Off-Grid Portable Solar Power Bank with 1000w Inverter and MPPT | Worth it in 2021?

Is the Bluetti EB1500 1500wh Lithium Off-Grid battery Bank with 500w MPPT solar controller and 1000w Pure Sine Wave Inverter and 8 outlets worth the money in 2021? This is the first time I accept to test and provide my initial impressions of a product after receiving an unsolicited email asking me to review a product. These emails usually go into the spam folder but the Bluetti EB 150 Portable Solar Lithium Battery Bank with a 1000w Pure Sine Wave Inverter and a 500w 60v MPPT Solar Controller did intrigue me and I decided to have a look at how good a Chinese unit like this is. I did a lot of testing to see if I could run household appliances like my Fridge Freezer of the EB 1500 in an off-grid or power outage scenario and also how well it would work taking it 4wd and camping.
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