Fuel Line Fun

This video shows us installing our Bearhawk Model 5’s fuel system from the wing root area to the gascolator. This includes installing the fuel selector valve, gascolator, forming the fuel lines, and creating 37° flares for AN flared fittings. 0:00 - Overview 0:54 - Installing the fuel selector valve and gascolator 2:56 - Bulkhead T’s and penetrating door formers 3:32 - Aft fuel lines 4:46 - Flaring 6:12 - Front fuel lines 7:42 - Bulkhead T’s to fuel valve 8:08 - Securing fuel lines 8:38 - Accommodations to the floorboard 9:08 - Fuel valve bracket 9:28 - Discussion 11:32 - Cowdog powered transportation
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