Explore Pobeda street, Samara, Russia | Самара, улица Победы от метро до ТЦ Вива Лэнд [4K]

Pobedy Street is a street in the Kirovsky, Soviet and Industrial districts of the city of Samara. One of the main streets of the Bezymyanka district. It is more than 5 km long (from west to east). The width of the street is 50 m, the carriageway has 2 traffic lanes in each direction. On the western section (from the beginning of the street to the intersection with Kirov Avenue), there is a lawn with trees in the middle of the street, and tram tracks on the eastern section. In the western section, the street is built up with three- and five-story houses of the “Stalinist“ type (in the 1940-1950s), in the eastern section, five-, nine- and ten-story houses built in the 1960-1990s prevail. Filmed: September, 2021. Улица Победы - улица в Кировском, Советском и Индустриальном районах города Самара. Одна из центральных улиц района Безымянка. Его протяженность более 5 км (с запада на восток). Ширина улицы 50 м, проезжая часть имеет по 2 полосы движения в каждую сторону. На западном уч
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