Trish McEvoy Classic Brush Set Review

**N.B Trish McEvoy current offers** Go visit the brand new Selfridges Trish McEvoy counter to take advantage of these! Week commencing 8th November quick fix tips for eyes and lips -- a Deluxe Size Sample of Trish’s beauty Booster Lip Gloss to hand out after your consultation -- stocks are limited ·From Wednesday 17th November for a limited period 25 iconic Trish McEvoy black quilted Planners given with a spend of £150 or more. ·Friday 12th and November 13th - From the Desk Top to the Dance Floor -- The Trish team will teach you how to transform your day time look easily and quickly into that photo perfect finish look for evening -- lots of tips on how to use your tools and products Deluxe Eye Base Essentials to giveaway with each sit down consultation. Limited stocks of Me and Ro Designer necklaces to giveaway with a purchase of £100 or more - A customised version! Limited stocks of a stylish Jessica Kagan Cushman Cuff to give
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