Decorate Your loving day with Ribbon Roses: DIY Stitching Ideas

Decorate Your loving day with Ribbon Roses. Flowers are a very common design to work with silk ribbon embroidery, most likely because the ribbon allows you to stitch very lifelike florals. Often a single stitch with ribbon will look like a flower bud, and the addition of one or two more stitches gives you a bud with some greenery that reminds you of the real deal. It’s the sense of creation, teamed up with making something beautiful with your own hands, that makes embroidering such a beautiful craft. ---------------------------- Amazon ---------------------------- Lap Stand Hoop/ Frame (Size-10“/14“) Embroidery Hoops: 7mm Silk Ribbon Set - Shop on Amazon: ---------------------------- CraftiWorks: ------------------------------- Track Info: Nostalgy and Inspiring Story - AShamaluevMusic Music Link: --------------------------
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