Krasarang Wilds - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria / MoP
The Krasarang Wilds (or the Krasarang Jungle) along Pandaria’s southern coast conceal many ancient secrets of a lost dynasty that have drawn the attention of prophecy-seekers among the Alliance and Horde. The Wilds are also home to the vicious, domineering mogu, and a more insidious danger still: the Sha of Despair is believed to have escaped from its bindings in the Temple of the Red Crane, and stifling gloom has begun to blanket the land in its path.
During the time of mogu dominion over the ancient Pandaria, this lush rainforest marked the far edges of their infamous empire. Here, the rebellious saurok have made their home and fought against their former masters, bent on the total genocide of these reptilian creatures. Countless years have passed, yet the efforts of the mogu were never successful and Emperor Dojan II was ultimately slain by the saurok assassins, leaving the empire in disarray, while the saurok have disappeared into the wilds and inhabit this region ever since.
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Krasarang Wilds - Music & Ambience
2 years ago 01:00:20 1
Krasarang Wilds - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria / MoP