Biberian Prelude 4

How many works in Biberian’s long career were inspired by the Commedia dell’Arte? In any case, in our many conversations on the matter Gilbert would say that what never ceased to fascinate him were the profundity and humanity of each of the characters. Colombine, evoked in this prelude, is the best friend/sometimes lover of Harlequin. Her naughty self assurance expressed in the beginning of the work gives way to depression and self doubt in bar 28 as she wrestles, no doubt, with some existential question of grave importance. But in the end insouciance and her irrepressible joie de vivre prevail! Combien d’œuvres de la longue carrière de Biberian ont été inspirées par la Commedia dell’Arte ? En tout cas, dans nos nombreuses conversations sur le sujet Gilbert dirait que ce qui n’a jamais cessé de le fasciner était la profondeur et l’humanité de chacun des personnages. Colombine, évoquée dans ce prélude, est la meilleure amie/parfois a
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