[QPOP IN RUSSIA] A.Z – OI DE! choreography by VERKUD

ANDROMEDA🌌 Сәлем! And today we are not accidentally greeting in the Kazakh manner... This time I — BYUL — for the first time I will speak not on behalf of the team, but personally on my own☺ For a long time, the idea of this project haunted me, and its implementation scared me... but despite everything, the decision was made and here it is the result🙀 I could talk about the importance of this performer and love for him forever, but perhaps now... I just want to convey to him a huge thank you for himself✨ His work is my main support and support. And this project for me is the very dream that was kept until the best moment. But the truth is that there are no such moments. We create them ourselves💫 I wanted to show how someone’s creativity can inspire, how music can unite people, how it gives peace, and how it can help. Мен сені сүйемін, Азамат, көп-көп рахмет. И бақытты бол, Аза💜 A
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