Chimpanzee mating

Chimpanzees are not only close to us biologically,they are also quite near in intelligence and live in highly complex social groups. They are known for their great vocabulary of sound and body postures for communication with each other and you can hear their “hoo-hoo“ calls carrying deep in the primate capital of Kibale forest. Fruits lead their list of food items. These are supplemented by a wide range variety of other plants, as well as honey, termites and insect larvae. On rare cases, chimps are fond of meat; piglets, monkeys and young baboons are preyed on during cooperative hunts. It’s amazing how chimps get more intelligent with time; they use tools in their life just like humans. Grass stems are used to fish termites from their nests, while sticks are brandished to intimidate rivals during aggressive display. More such remarkable and amazing behaviours are easily observed along the chimpanzee trek in this Kibale National park  @marvelgorillaadventure123 Contact us
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