We will resume our exploration of the epistemologies of radical constructivists with a primer on postmodern critiques of science. This episode was particularly difficult to make due to the sheer amount of reading that had to be done to acclimatize to the postmodern way of thinking, and the attendant difficulties of compressing a tremendous amount of information into a reasonable time frame. Be sure to hit that like button, ring the bell, and share on your social media to spread this series far and wide; it’s among my most important work on this platform, and it must not be in vain.
Note 1: Jacques Derrida, who was born in the French colony of Algeria, developed the techniques of deconstruction, which are broadly synonymous with applied poststructuralism. He authored such foundational texts to the postmodern program as “Of Grammatology,” which focuses on the application of deconstruction to literary and historical texts rather than scientific ones. As an introduction to his ideas, I didn’t find it particularl