In celebration of this auspicious day, Jayanti (birthday) of Papaji, we are delighted to offer this live broadcast of bhajans, a powerful and uplifting singing of the different names of God—the all-pervading Self Supreme. Sing, dance or simply sit and enjoy!
1. He Shiva Shankara - Omkara
2. Narayan Hare - Nirmal
3. Govinda Jai Jai - Sanoja
4. Hare Ram Hare - Mahababa
5. Drum & Violin - Mahababa & Brahmdev
6. Shiva Shambho - Krishnabai
7. Papaji Ki Jai Ho - Omraj
8. Om Arunachala Om - Omkara
9. Hare Krishna - Krishnabai
“I myself must give the highest honour and reverence to Satguru Papaji.
Were it not for Papaji, none of us would be here right now.
The Sangha of Monte Sahaja and the wider Sangha that is spread
around the world, we are all children of Papaji. Mighty Satguru!
It was by Grace and destiny that somehow,
unbeknown to me at the time, my steps were being drawn,
that these feet would take this head to this Master’s feet.