Jerry Horanoff, Carina BBS Software — interview

Jerry Horanoff was the creator of the Carina bulletin board system software for the Atari 8-bit computers, and later, Carina II. The October 1986 issue of ANTIC Magazine wrote: “This expandable, module-based bulletin board software package is written in understandable BASIC and includes XMODEM upload/download transfer protocol, message editor with word processor-like functions and a total of 44 commands, including 17 sysop functions. It operates at 300, 1200 or 2400 baud and works with most DOSs and BASICs.“ Jerry also created Ultramon, a disassembler. Later he worked at ICD and Commodore. This interview took place on January 25, 2018. Carina 1 Software And Documentation: Carina II Manual: 1987 interview with Jerry: Purrfect Sift kickstarter:
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