SKETCHBOOK SESSION ☕️ Q&A sketch with me!

🎏 use code “NISU“ to get $5 off for your first #Sakuraco box through this link: and #TokyoTreat box through this link: hello, fwends! 🦋✨🌿 thank you for all your questions! i got way more than expected, especially from instagram so i might do another video like this for the leftover questions :’) we’ll see! also i wish i answered everything better, because now that i’ve had time to think about it, i kind of want to add more to some of what i said but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ this was really fun tho! i might ask you all for more talking prompts in the future :D hope you enjoyed! with love, Nisu 🌹 ☁️ instagram ☁️ ko-fi ☁️ frequently asked questions #faq ☁️
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