[镇魂Guardian fanvid]天地不容 Intolerance(楚郭/郭楚 R)Chu ShuZhi/Guo ChangCheng

[镇魂Guardian fanvid]天地不容 Intolerance(楚郭/郭楚 R) Title: 天地不容 Intolerance Vidder: 水蓝色的鱼 () Fandom: 镇魂 Guardian (TV Series 2018) Pairing: 楚恕之/郭长城 Chu ShuZhi/Guo ChangCheng Rating: R 警告 Warning: 工口,小心背后灵 R for M/M scene 摘要 Summary: 老楚和小郭搞对象,地府从中作梗 Chu fell in love with Guo, but the nether world won’t let their man get any happiness. 弃权声明 Disclaimer: 一切影音素材归原作者所有 剪辑人除了本演绎作品和爱,啥也没有 禁止二剪二传,请勿打扰真人 All the image and sound clips belong to their owners. No copyright infringement intend
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