Αναστενάρια - Αναστενάρια (Vatican Shadow Version) - Music Of The Fire Walkers
Released on ΚΕΜΑΛ (ΚΕΜΑΛ 001) Jan 2014
In English Αναστενάρια Means Anastenaria
Artwork - Will Bankhead
Lacquer Cut By - CGB
Mastered By - Themistoklis Pantelopoulos (tracks: A1 to B5), Tobias Freund (tracks: C, D)
Recorded in the village of Agia Eleni, Serres, Greece, 20-21 may 1979.
Recordings from the Κ.ΣΥ.Μ.Ε. archive.
Orinally released by Echomusic and Edition Zero.