This video is dedicated to the premiere of Chainsaw Man Anime and for the fans of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s manga and anime.
In Konomanga Interview (2017), Tatsuki Fujimoto said one of his favourite action movies is The Raid.
Fujimoto prefer to draw drama scenes, because his previous projects are about drama. To help him gain inspirations, Fujimoto often watched drama movies.
He never had drawn action scenes before, until came Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man.
During preparation period for the serialization, the person in charge send him a lot of materials. The Raid quickly became on of his favourites.
The Raid’s fighting sequences help him to draw action movements for Fire Punch and Chainsawman.
This video contains some of chapter 62 Chainsaw man manga fighting scenes, between Quanxi from Chinese Military—who wants to capture Chainsaw Devil— and Yoshida, member of The Public Safety Devil Hunters.